
中文法規名稱(依筆劃排序 ▲ 英文法規名稱English name of regulations(依字母排序Sort in alphabetical order ▲
1. 「○○股份有限公司併購資訊揭露自律規範」參考範例 XXX Co., Ltd. Self-Regulatory Rules on Disclosure of Merger and Acquisition Information, Template Version
2. 「○○股份有限公司內部重大資訊處理作業程序」參考範例 Sample Template for XXX Co., Ltd. Procedures for Handling Material Inside Information
3. 「○○股份有限公司具控制能力法人股東行使權利及參與議決規範」參考範例 Sample Template for XXX Co., Ltd. Rules Governing the Exercise of Rights and Participation in Resolutions by Juristic Person Shareholders With Controlling Power
4. 「○○股份有限公司獨立董事之職責範疇規則」參考範例 Sample Template for XXX Co., Ltd. Rules Governing the Scope of Powers of Independent Directors
5. 「○○股份有限公司董事選任程序」參考範例 Sample Template for XXX Co., Ltd. Procedures for Election of Directors
6. 「○○股份有限公司薪資報酬委員會組織規程」參考範例 Sample Template for XXX Co., Ltd. Remuneration Committee Charter
7. 「○○股份有限公司誠信經營作業程序及行為指南」參考範例 Sample Template for XXX Co., Ltd. Procedures for Ethical Management and Guidelines for Conduct
8. 「股份有限公司關係人相互間財務業務相關作業規範」參考範例 Sample Template for XXX Co., Ltd. Rules Governing Financial and Business Matters Between this Corporation and its Related Parties
9. 「董事會績效評估辦法」參考範例 Sample Template of "Rules for Performance Evaluation of Board of Directors"
10. 上市上櫃公司永續報告書確信機構管理要點 Directions for the Implementation of Assurance Institutions for the Sustainability Report of TWSE/TPEx Listed Companies
11. 上市上櫃公司永續發展實務守則 Sustainable Development Best Practice Principles for TWSE/TPEx Listed Companies
12. 上市上櫃公司誠信經營守則 Ethical Corporate Management Best Practice Principles for TWSE/TPEx Listed Companies
13. 上市上櫃公司買回本公司股份辦法 Regulations Governing Share Repurchase by Exchange-Listed and OTC-Listed Companies
14. 上市公司內部人存放於外(陸)籍員工集合投資專戶股票申請移轉作業程序 Procedures for Application of Insider of Listed Company for Transfer of Shares Deposited in Segregated Collective Investment Account for Foreign/PRC National Employees
15. 上櫃指數股票型基金受益憑證買賣及申購買回特殊風險預告書 Special Risk Disclosure Statement for Trading and Creation / Redemption of TPEx Listed Exchange Traded Fund Beneficial Certificates
16. 不動產投資信託受益證券或不動產資產信託受益證券上市申請書 Application for Listing of the Beneficial Securities of a Real Estate Investment Trust or Real Estate Asset Trust
17. 中華民國證券投資信託暨顧問商業同業公會境外基金資訊合作契約應行記載事項 The Securities Investment Trust & Consulting Association Guidelines Governing Items to be Contained in the Information Cooperation Agreement of Offshore Funds
18. 信用評等事業業務章則應行記載事項 Matters Required to be Included in the Corporate Bylaws of Credit Rating Agencies
19. 信用評等事業管理規則 Regulations Governing the Administration of Credit Rating Agencies
20. 個人資料保護法之特定目的及個人資料之類別 The specific purpose and the classification of personal information of the Personal Information Protection Act