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Title Sample Template for XXX Co., Ltd. Remuneration Committee Charter CH
Date 2020.06.03 ( Amended )

Article Content

Article 1     (Purpose and basis for adoption)
    To ensure a sound system for compensation of the directors, supervisors and managerial officers of this Corporation, this Remuneration Committee Charter (hereinafter, "this Charter") is adopted pursuant to Article 3 of the Regulations Governing the Appointment and Exercise of Powers by the Remuneration Committee of a Company Whose Stock is Listed on the Stock Exchange or Traded Over the Counter (hereinafter, "the Regulations").
Article 2     (Scope of application)
    Except as otherwise provided by law or regulation or by the articles of incorporation, matters in connection with the official powers of the Remuneration Committee (hereinafter, "the Committee") shall be handled in accordance with this Charter.
Article 3     (Disclosure for public reference)
    This Corporation shall upload the content of this Charter to its website and the Market Observation Post System (MOPS) for public reference.
Article 4     (Functions of the Committee)
    The functions of the Committee are to professionally and objectively evaluate the policies and systems for compensation of the directors, supervisors, and managerial officers of this Corporation, and submit recommendations to the board of directors for its reference in decision making.
Article 5     (Committee composition)
    The Committee shall consist of ___ members appointed by resolution of the board of directors. A majority of the members shall serve as independent directors.
    The professional qualifications and degree of independence of the members of the Committee shall meet the requirements set out in Articles 5 and 6 of the Regulations.
Article 6     (Terms of Committee members and appointments to fill vacancies)
    The term of the Committee members shall be the same as that of the board of directors by whom they were appointed.
    When a member of the Committee is dismissed for any reason, resulting in there being less than three members, a board meeting to make a new appointment shall be held within 3 months from the date of occurrence. In the event that an independent director is dismissed and there is no other independent director, the Corporation may appoint someone who is not qualified to act as independent director to be a member of the Committee until the appointment of an independent director at a by-election as required, and the independent director elected in the by-election will be appointed after the by-election.
Article 7     (Scope of duties)
    The Committee shall exercise the care of a good administrator to faithfully perform the following duties and present its recommendations to the board of directors for discussion. However, recommendations regarding compensation for supervisors may be submitted to the board of directors for discussion only when the board of directors is expressly authorized to resolve on that matter by the articles of incorporation or by a resolution of the shareholders meeting:
  1. Periodically reviewing this Charter and making recommendations for amendments.
  2. Establishing and periodically reviewing the performance assessment standards, annual and long-term performance goals, and the policies, systems, standards, and structure for the compensation of the directors, supervisors, and managerial officers of this Corporation, and disclose the contents of the performance assessment standards in the annual report.
  3. Periodically assessing the degree to which performance goals for the directors, supervisors, and managerial officers of this Corporation have been achieved, setting the types and amounts of their individual compensation based on the results of the reviews conducted in accordance with the performance assessment standards. The annual report shall disclose the results of the individual performance assessments of the directors, supervisors and managerial officers and the connection between and reasonableness of the contents and amounts of their individual compensation and performance assessment results, and making a report at a shareholders' meeting.
    The Committee shall perform the duties under the preceding paragraph in accordance with the following principles:
  1. Ensuring that the compensation arrangements of this Corporation comply with applicable laws and regulations and are sufficient to recruit outstanding talent.
  2. Performance assessments and compensation levels of directors, supervisors, and managerial officers shall take into account the general pay levels in the industry, individual performance assessment results, the time spent by the individual and their responsibilities, the extent of goal achievement, their performance in other positions, and the compensation paid to employees holding equivalent positions in recent years. Also to be evaluated are the reasonableness of the correlation between the individual's performance and this Corporation's operational performance and future risk exposure, with respect to the achievement of short-term and long-term business goals and the financial position of this Corporation.
  3. There shall be no incentive for the directors or managerial officers to pursue compensation by engaging in activities that exceed the tolerable risk level of this Corporation.
  4. For directors and senior managerial officers, the percentage of remuneration to be distributed based on their short-term performance and the time for payment of any variable compensation shall be decided with regard to the characteristics of the industry and the nature of this Corporation's business.
  5. Reasonableness shall be taken into account when the contents and amounts of the compensation of the directors, supervisors, and managerial officers are set. It is not advisable for decisions on the compensation of the directors, supervisors, and managerial officers to run contrary to financial performance to a material extent. It is not advisable for said compensation to be higher than that in the preceding year in the event of a material decline in profits or of long-term losses. If it is still higher than that in the preceding year, the reasonableness shall be explained in the annual report and reported at a shareholders' meeting.
  6. No member of the Committee may participate in discussion and voting when the Committee is deciding on that member's individual compensation.
    "Compensation" as used in the preceding two paragraphs includes cash compensation, stock options, profit sharing and stock ownership, retirement benefits or severance pay, allowances or stipends of any kind, and other substantive incentive measures. Its scope shall be consistent with the compensation for directors, supervisors, and managerial officers as set out in the Regulations Governing Information to be Published in Annual Reports of Public Companies.
    If the decision-making and handling of any matter relating to the remuneration of directors and managerial officers of a subsidiary is delegated to the subsidiary but requires ratification by the board of directors of this Corporation, the Committee shall be asked to make recommendations before the matter is submitted to the board of directors for deliberation.
Article 8     (Convening and holding of meetings)
    Meetings of the Committee shall be held at least ______times a year. In convening a meeting of the Committee, a notice setting forth the subjects to be discussed at the meeting shall be given to each member at least 7 days in advance. In emergency circumstances, however, the meeting may be convened on shorter notice.
    One of the independent directors shall be elected by all members of the Committee as the convener and meeting chair. If the convener takes leave or is unable to convene a meeting for any reason, the convener shall appoint another independent director on the Committee to act in his or her place. If there is no other independent director on the Committee, the convener shall appoint another Committee member to act on his or her behalf. If the convener does not make such an appointment, a member of the Committee shall be elected by and from among the other members on the Committee to serve as convener.
Article 9     (Drafting of meeting agendas)
    The Committee’s meeting agenda shall be drafted by the convener. Other members may submit motions to the Committee for discussion.
    Meeting agendas shall be forwarded to the Committee members in advance.
    When a meeting of the Committee is held, an attendance book shall be made available for sign-in by the Committee members in attendance and thereafter made available for reference.
    The Committee members shall attend the meeting in person. If a member is unable to attend the meeting in person, the member may appoint another member to attend as his or her proxy. Attending a meeting via telecommunications will be deemed attendance in person.
    A member of the Committee that appoints another member as proxy to attend a meeting shall in each instance issue a written proxy stating the scope of authorization with respect to the items on the meeting agenda.
    The proxy under paragraph 3 may accept a proxy from one person only.
Article 10     (Resolution method)
    Resolutions at meetings of the Committee shall be adopted with the consent of one half or more of the entire membership. When a matter comes to a vote at a Committee meeting, if upon inquiry by the meeting chair no member voices an objection, the matter will be deemed approved, with the same effect as approval by vote.
    The result of the vote under the preceding paragraph shall be made known immediately and recorded in writing.
Article 10-1     When a meeting of the Committee will discuss the remuneration of any member of the Committee, it will be clearly stated at the meeting. If there is likely to be any prejudice to the interests of the Corporation, that member may not participate in the discussion or voting and shall enter recusal during the discussion and voting. The member also may not act as another Committee member's proxy to exercise voting rights on that matter.
Article 11     (Meeting minutes)
    Discussions at a meeting of the Committee shall be included in the meeting minutes, which shall faithfully record the following:
  1. The session, time, and place of the meeting.
  2. The name of the meeting chair.
  3. Attendance of the Committee members at the meeting, specifying the names and the number of members present, excused, and absent.
  4. The names and titles of those attending the meeting as non-voting participants.
  5. The name of the minute taker.
  6. The matters reported at the meeting.
  7. Agenda items: For each proposal, the method of resolution and the result; the name, content of remuneration, and specifics regarding recusal of any member whose own remuneration comes under discussion under the preceding article; and any objections or reservations expressed by any member.
  8. Extraordinary motions: The name of the mover; the method of resolution and the result for each motion; a summary of the comments of the independent director members of the Committee and experts and other persons present at the meeting; the name, content of remuneration, and specifics regarding recusal of any member whose own remuneration comes under discussion under the preceding article; and any objections or reservations expressed by a member.
  9. Other matters required to be recorded.
    The attendance book constitutes part of the minutes for each meeting of the Committee; if the meeting is held via telecommunications, the audio and video materials also constitute part of the meeting minutes.
    The minutes of each meeting of the Committee shall bear the signature or seal of both the meeting chair and the minute taker. A copy of the minutes shall be distributed to each member on the Committee within 20 days after the meeting, and shall be presented to the board of directors and retained as important corporate records for 5 years. The meeting minutes may be produced and distributed in electronic form.
    If, before the expiration of the retention period under the preceding paragraph, any litigation arises in connection with any matter relating to the Committee, the meeting minutes shall be preserved until the conclusion of the litigation.
Article 12     (Implementation of meeting resolutions)
    The execution of tasks relating to resolutions adopted by the Committee in accordance with its duties under Article 7, or subsequent work resolved to be delegated to professionals pursuant to Article 13, paragraph 2, may be delegated to the convener or other Committee members for follow-up, with a written or verbal report to be presented to the Committee during the implementation period. When necessary, the matter shall be presented for ratification or a report made at the next meeting of the Committee.
Article 13     (Resources to be provided when the Committee exercises its powers)
    When the Committee calls a meeting, it may request directors, managers of relevant departments, internal audit officers, certified public accountants, attorneys, or other personnel of this Corporation to attend the meeting as non-voting participants and to provide pertinent and necessary information, provided that they shall leave the meeting when deliberation and voting take place..
    The Committee may, at the expense of this Corporation, resolve to retain the service of an attorney, certified public accountant, or other professional to conduct a necessary audit or to provide advice on matters relating to the exercise of the Committee's powers.
Article 14     (Enforcement)
    This Charter shall take effect after having been submitted to and adopted by the board of directors. Subsequent amendments thereto shall be effected in the same manner.