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Title Application for Listing of the Beneficial Securities of a Real Estate Investment Trust or Real Estate Asset Trust CH
Date 2012.08.31 ( Amended )

Article Content

1     Application for TWSE and TPEx Listing of the Beneficial Securities of a □ Real Estate Investment Trust ("REIT") / □Real Estate Asset Trust ("REAT")

    To: Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation (TWSE)
    Subject: The company desires to list on the TWSE the □REIT's / □REAT's beneficial securities which it is authorized to offer and issue / □make a follow-on offering of, and hereby submits the listing contract for the □REIT's / □REAT's beneficial securities (not required in the event of follow-on offering) and required documents pursuant to the Regulations Governing the Public Offering or Private Placement of REIT's and REAT's Beneficial Securities by a Trustee and relevant rules of the TWSE. Your attention is appreciated.

│Name of                           │Company Limited by      │
│Trustee                           │Shares                  │
│Date of       │(Year, Month, Day)│        │Registered    │
│Incorporation │                  │Total   │Capital       │
│and Unified   │                  │Capital ├───────┤
│Business      │                  │        │Paid-in       │
│Registration  │                  │        │Capital       │
│Number        │                  │        │              │
│Name of REIT  │Total   │Total   │Amount  │Latest        │
│Fund / REAT to│Amount  │Units   │of Each │Approved Date │
│be Listed     │of      │of      │Unit of │of Public     │
│              │Issuance│Issuance│Benefic-│Issuance and  │
│              │(NTD)   │of      │ial     │Number of the │
│              │        │Benefic-│Rights  │Official      │
│              │        │ial     │        │Letter        │
│              │        │Rights  │        │              │
│              │        │(Unit)  │        │              │
│Listed REIT's │        │        │        │              │
│Investment    │        │        │        │              │
│Beneficial    │        │        │        │              │
│Securities    │        │        │        │              │
│(applicable to│        │        │        │              │
│follow-on     │        │        │        │              │
│offering)     │        │        │        │              │
│Aggregate     │        │        │        │              │
│REIT's        │        │        │        │              │
│Investment    │        │        │        │              │
│Beneficial    │        │        │        │              │
│Securities    │        │        │        │              │
│(applicable to│        │        │        │              │
│follow-on     │        │        │        │              │
│offering)     │        │        │        │              │
│Date of       │                                            │
│Initial Trade │(Month, Day, Year)                          │
│After Listing │                                            │
│Appendixes    │1. Three counterparts of the trustee's      │
│              │  financial report of the most recent fiscal│
│              │  year                                      │
│              │2. Documentary proof of the competent       │
│              │  authority's approval for an offering or   │
│              │  follow-on offering of the beneficial      │
│              │  securities                                │
│              │3. Opinions by accountants regarding whether│
│              │  the REIT is in accordance with generally  │
│              │  accepted accounting principles and        │
│              │  relevant taxes                            │
│              │4. The trust assets management and          │
│              │  disposition manual; for engaging a real   │
│              │  estate development or management          │
│              │  institution to manage or dispose the trust│
│              │  assets, the engagement agreement or other │
│              │  documentary proof (not required in the    │
│              │  event of follow-on offering)              │
│              │5. Five counterparts of listing contract for│
│              │  the closed-end REIT fund's or REAT        │
│              │  beneficial securities (not required in the│
│              │  event of follow-on offering)              │
│              │6. Documentary proof of completion of the   │
│              │  offering (to be delivered to TWSE before  │
│              │  the agreed date of listing for trading)   │
│              │7. Sample of the closed-end REIT fund's or  │
│              │  REAT's beneficial securities, or          │
│              │  documentary proof of recordation in the   │
│              │  event of non-physical issuance (to be     │
│              │  delivered in the number of copies         │
│              │  prescribed by the TWSE) (not required in  │
│              │  the event of follow-on offering)          │
│              │8. Prospectus (to be delivered in accordance│
│              │  with the form and number of copies        │
│              │  prescribed by the TWSE)                   │
│              │9. Three counterparts of agency agreement   │
│              │  for beneficiary certificates (not required│
│              │  in the event of follow-on offering)       │
│              │10. Signature (seal) card of the institution│
│              │   handling the securities business (please │
│              │   contact the TWSE for the number of       │
│              │   counterparts required; not required in   │
│              │   the event of non-physical issuance)      │
│              │11.Three counterparts of dispersion of      │
│              │   beneficial rights' holders               │
│              │12.Other documentary proof or information   │
│              │   required by the competent authority or   │
│              │   other necessary documentary proof or     │
│              │   information.                             │
│                                                            │
│                                                            │
│                                                            │
│                                                            │
│This application is approved│Applicant:             Company│
│by the Taiwan Stock Exchange│Limited by Shares             │
│Corporation per Letter dated│Legal Representative:         │
│[date] No.                  │(Signature)                   │
│Taiwan-Stock-Listing-_______│Company Address:              │
│                            │Contact:                      │
│                            │Telephone Number:             │
    Notes: This application is executed in five counterparts (excluding the appendixes), will take effect as of the approval of the Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation, and forms an attachment to the listing contract.