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Title TAIFEX Tokyo Stock Price Index Futures Contract Specifications CH
Date 2016.05.05 ( Amended )

Article Content

│Item            │Description                               │
│Underlying Index│Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX)           │
│Ticker Symbol   │TJF                                       │
│Trading Hours   │Trading days conform to regular exchange  │
│                │trading days                              │
│                │                                          │
│                │8:00AM-4:15PM Taiwan time                 │           
│Contract Size   │NTD 200 x per index point                 │
│Delivery Months │Spot month, the next calendar month,      │
│                │and the next three quarterly months       │
│Daily Settlement│The daily settlement price is the volume  │
│Price           │weighted average price, which is          │
│                │calculated by dividing the value of trades│ 
│                │by the volume within the last one minute, │
│                │or as otherwise determined by TAIFEX      │
│                │according to the Trading Rules.           │
│Daily Price     │Three-phase price limit, applied on ±8%,  │
│Limit           │±12% and ±16% of previous trading day's   │
│                │settlement price.                         │
│Minimum Price   │0.25 index points (NTD 50)                │
│Fluctuation     │                                          │
│Last Trading    │The business day preceding the second     │
│Day             │Friday of each contract month. New        │
│                │contracts will be listed on the next      │
│                │business day.                             │
│Final Settlement│The first business day following          │
│Day             │the last trading day                      │
│Final Settlement│Special Quotation on the Tokyo Stock      │
│Price           │Exchange, Inc. (TSE) business day         │
│                │following the last trading day            │
│Settlement      │Cash settlement                           │
│Position Limit  │Any investor's aggregate open same-side   │
│                │positions in the Contract for various     │
│                │delivery months at any time shall not     │
│                │exceed the limit standards announced by   │
│                │TAIFEX.                                   │
│                │                                          │
│                │Institutional investors may apply for     │
│                │exemption from the above limit on trading │
│                │accounts for hedging purposes.            │
│                │                                          │
│                │These position limits are not applicable  │
│                │to omnibus accounts, with the exception   │
│                │of undisclosed omnibus accounts, which are│ 
│                │subject to the limits for institutional   │
│                │investors.                                │
│Margin          │The initial and maintenance margin levels,│ 
│                │and the collection measures that the FCM  │
│                │prescribes for its customers, may not be  │
│                │less than those required by the TAIFEX.   │
│                │                                          │
│                │The initial margin and maintenance margin │
│                │announced by the TAIFEX shall be based on │ 
│                │the clearing margin calculated according  │
│                │to the Taiwan Futures Exchange Corporation│ 
│                │Methods and Standards for Receipt of      │
│                │Clearing Margins plus a percentage        │
│                │prescribed by the TAIFEX.                 │
    *TOPIX is calculated by Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc.. Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. does not sponsor, endorse or promote this product.
    *All copyright in the index values and constituent list vests in Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc.. Taiwan Futures Exchange has obtained a licence from Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. to use such copyright in the creation of this product.