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Title Contract for Trading International Bonds on the TPEx CH
Date 2012.05.29 ( Amended )

Article Content

1     ________________ Co., Ltd., hereinafter called the Issuer, hereby, in accordance with Article 5 of the Regulations Governing Trading of Securities on the TPEx, hereinafter called the Regulations, applies with the Taipei Exchange ("TPEx"), for the trading of international bonds it raises or issues for trading on the TPEx. In accordance with Article 9 of the Regulations, the two parties have agreed to execute this Contract in accordance with the terms and conditions specified below:
    It is hereby mutually agreed between the parties as follows:

Article 1
    The international bonds the Issuer initially applies for trading on the TPEx pursuant to this Contract include:
│Bond Cat- │Date│Date of │Number of │Total Sum │Remarks │
│egory and │of  │Maturity│Bonds     │Issued for│        │
│Nomencla- │Iss-│        │Issued    │Trading on│        │
│ture      │ue  │        │          │the GSTM  │        │
│          │    │        │          │(In Curre│        │
│          │    │        │          │ncy/$ )  │        │
│          │    │        │          │          │        │
│          │    │        │          │          │        │
    If subsequent to the signing of this Contract there is any increase or decrease in or any change in the content of the Issuer's TPEx-traded international bonds, the increase or decrease or change in content of the international bonds recorded in the Application for TPEx Trading of International Bonds, after approval by the TPEx, shall constitute an integral part of this Contract for Trading International Bonds on the TPEx.

Article 2
    Securities-related laws and regulations and the rules and announcements of the TPEx shall be a part of the Contract for Trading International Bonds on the TPEx, to which both the Issuer and the TPEx shall adhere.

Article 3
    After the signing of this Contract, the Issuer shall pay the TPEx fees for purchase and sale of international bonds, in accordance with the fee schedule the TPEx has set for of the trading of international bonds on the TPEx, when the first trading takes place and within the first month of each year thereafter.

Article 4
    The TPEx, on the basis of related laws, regulations and TPEx rules, or as it deems necessary for other reasons, may terminate the purchase and sale of international bonds traded on the TPEx.

Article 5
    The Issuer and the TPEx agree that Taipei District Court of Taiwan shall be the court of first instance for any litigation arising out of this Contract.

Article 6
    This Contract shall be executed in five (5) counterparts. One counterpart shall be submitted to the competent authority and the remaining counterparts held by the Issuer and the TPEx.

Article 7
    This Contract shall take effect after both parties, the Issuer and the TPEx, have affixed to it their official seals.
    Contracting Party:
    Statutory Representative:
    Litigious and Non-Litigious Agent:
    Statutory Representative:
    Gretai Securities Market
    Statutory Representative: Chairman
    Dated: _______________, 20_ (day/month/year)
    ________________ Co., Ltd., hereinafter called the Issuer, hereby, in accordance with Article 5 of the Regulations Governing Trading of Securities on the TPEx, hereinafter called the Regulations, applies with the Taipei Exchange ("TPEx"), for the trading of international bonds it raises or issues for trading on the TPEx. In accordance with Article 9 of the Regulations, the two parties have agreed to execute this Contract in accordance with the terms and conditions specified below:
    It is hereby mutually agreed between the parties as follows:

Article 1
    The international bonds the Issuer initially applies for trading on the TPEx pursuant to this Contract include:
│Bond Cat- │Date│Date of │Number of │Total Sum │Remarks │
│egory and │of  │Maturity│Bonds     │Issued for│        │
│Nomencla- │Iss-│        │Issued    │Trading on│        │
│ture      │ue  │        │          │the GSTM  │        │
│          │    │        │          │(In Curre│        │
│          │    │        │          │ncy/$ )  │        │
│          │    │        │          │          │        │
│          │    │        │          │          │        │
    If subsequent to the signing of this Contract there is any increase or decrease in or any change in the content of the Issuer's TPEx-traded international bonds, the increase or decrease or change in content of the international bonds recorded in the Application for TPEx Trading of International Bonds, after approval by the TPEx, shall constitute an integral part of this Contract for Trading International Bonds on the TPEx.

Article 2
    Securities-related laws and regulations and the rules and announcements of the TPEx shall be a part of the Contract for Trading International Bonds on the TPEx, to which both the Issuer and the TPEx shall adhere.

Article 3
    After the signing of this Contract, the Issuer shall pay the TPEx fees for purchase and sale of international bonds, in accordance with the fee schedule the TPEx has set for of the trading of international bonds on the TPEx, when the first trading takes place and within the first month of each year thereafter.

Article 4
    The TPEx, on the basis of related laws, regulations and TPEx rules, or as it deems necessary for other reasons, may terminate the purchase and sale of international bonds traded on the TPEx.

Article 5
    The Issuer and the TPEx agree that Taipei District Court of Taiwan shall be the court of first instance for any litigation arising out of this Contract.

Article 6
    This Contract shall be executed in five (5) counterparts. One counterpart shall be submitted to the competent authority and the remaining counterparts held by the Issuer and the TPEx.

Article 7
    This Contract shall take effect after both parties, the Issuer and the TPEx, have affixed to it their official seals.
    Contracting Party:
    Statutory Representative:
    Litigious and Non-Litigious Agent:
    Statutory Representative:
    Gretai Securities Market
    Statutory Representative: Chairman
    Dated: _______________, 20_ (day/mo